Waves. Light and sound
Perhaps you have seen one of the latest 3D films at the cinema with spectacular light and sound effects. But have you ever wondered what light is? Which mechanisms do we use to see objects and colours? And do you know what sound is? Why are there high-pitched and low-pitched sounds? Why do we sometimes hear the echo of our voice? What is noise? People in the past asked the same questions, but we now know that light and sound are waves.
Esta secuencia contiene:
17 actividades
72 recursos
- Inglés
Secuencia didáctica
Perhaps you have seen one of the latest 3D films at the cinema with spectacular light and sound effects. [...]
1. Waves An oscillatory or vibratory motion takes place around a central position. It produces the same amount of movement on both sides of this position. [...]
Perhaps you have seen one of the latest 3D films at the cinema with spectacular light and sound effects. [...]
1.1. Vibratory motion If we hold one end of a sheet of steel and then move or hit the free end, the sheet will vibrate from one side to the other from its initial position (figure 1). [...]
2.1. What is light? Light has an undulatory nature; this means it is made up of waves. Visible light (that can be seen by the human eye) belongs to a larger group of waves called electromagnetic waves. 2.2. [...]
3.1. Linear propagation of light Light is an electromagnetic wave that propagates in a straight line in all directions. Each of the directions that light propagates in is called a ray. [...]
Eclipses Since ancient times we have known what happens when the Moon or the Sun is hidden. This effect is called an eclipse. Eclipses of the moon This happens when the Earth moves between the Sun and the Moon. [...]
4.1. Bending of light rays The effects of reflection and refraction of light happen because of the linear propagation of light. 4.2. Reflection of light Reflection happens when light rays meet a smooth surface. [...]
Some optical instruments Most optical instruments, like microscopes or telescopes, consist of lenses, mirrors and prisms. Lenses Lenses are disc-shaped, and one or both sides are curved. They are made of glass or transparent plastic. [...]
5.1. The composition of white light White light is actually made up of many colours. We can see this if we pass white light through an optical prism (figure 1). 5.2. [...]
6.1. What is sound? Sound is the propagation of vibrations and energy in a straight line and in all directions. It travels from the source of sound to the receptors. [...]
7.1. Reflection of sound Sound is transmitted in a straight line. When it meets obstacles that it cannot cross, like a wall or a rock, it is reflected back in the other direction. [...]
Noise pollution Noise pollution is when there are sounds that are too intense and prolonged in a certain place. [...]
Perhaps you have seen one of the latest 3D films at the cinema with spectacular light and sound effects. [...]
Perhaps you have seen one of the latest 3D films at the cinema with spectacular light and sound effects. [...]
Perhaps you have seen one of the latest 3D films at the cinema with spectacular light and sound effects. [...]
Perhaps you have seen one of the latest 3D films at the cinema with spectacular light and sound effects. [...]
Cursos y asignaturas
13 años:
- Biología
- Geologia
14 años:
- Geologia
- Biología
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