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Mostrando resultados de 1488
  • Principles of Mendelian Inheritance | Recurso educativo 40003

    Principles of Mendelian Inheritance

    Tiching explorer Organización

    • 1969 visitas

    This unit focuses on classical genetics. It explains how genotype controls phenotype, how sex is determined and sex linked heritage, the codominance, monohybrid and dihybrid test cross. There are links…

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  • Higher and higher | Recurso educativo 40924

    Higher and higher

    INTEF Organización

    • 1 lo usan
    • 1574 visitas

    In this unit we describe sports and general activities. We compare sports, teams and players. We practice vocabulary (soccer, footballers, hooliganism) and grammar (comparative and superlative form of…

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  • Els verbs seguits de  pronom feble. L'ús dels parèntesis | Recurso educativo 597941

    Els verbs seguits de pronom feble. L'ús dels parèntesis

    EduBook Organización

    • 1691 visitas

    Ortografia Els verbs seguits de pronom feble En certs casos, un pronom feble apareix després del verb. En aquest cas, verb i pronom poden anar units amb un guionet o amb un apòstrof. Vegem com: Si el…

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  • Trends | Recurso educativo 40977


    INTEF Organización

    • 1 lo usan
    • 1554 visitas

    In this unit we learn how to express changes in people's lives, reading and understanding press articles, and make profiles. We practice grammar (passive voice, articles, used to). It includes a…

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  • Love and marriage | Recurso educativo 41029

    Love and marriage

    INTEF Organización

    • 1 lo usan
    • 1530 visitas

    In this unit we revise present simple and continuous, comparative structures. We practice vocabulary related to weddings, relationships, phrasal verbs. We revise how to express likes and dislikes,…

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  • The order of the alphabet | Recurso educativo 56846

    The order of the alphabet

    Tiching explorer Organización

    • 1 lo usan
    • 1521 visitas

    Short unit that begins with a presentation which teaches the order of the letters. Then we practice putting letters and words in alphabetical order in 8 interactive exercises that follow. We need to…

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  • Check. The new constitutional and autonomic state | Recurso educativo 484919

    Check. The new constitutional and autonomic state

    EduBook Organización

    • 1681 visitas

    Remember what you have studied in this unit and answer the questions: What did the constitution recognise? Go to How do the different stories describe the coup? According to one…

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  • Explica. Significat de frases | Recurso educativo 523024

    Explica. Significat de frases

    EduBook Organización

    • 1647 visitas

    Explica el significat d'aquestes frases: No creien incompatible el sagrament del matrimoni amb l'existència d'un gigoló. De soltera se n'havien explicat llegendes. El matrimoni Mates…

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  • Completa. Respiració pulmonar | Recurso educativo 587918

    Completa. Respiració pulmonar

    EduBook Organización

    • 1607 visitas

    Escriu en cada espai la paraula que li corresponga: La renovació de l'aire dels alvèols pulmonars s'aconsegueix pels moviments d' i expiració dels . Els pulmons es mouen gràcies a un…

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  • Making a booklet | Recurso educativo 27173

    Making a booklet

    Tiching explorer Organización

    • 1234 visitas

    In this unit we find some tips for making great information booklets. We learn how to choose an interesting topic, and what you need to put in it. We learn how to present the information. We learn how…

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