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Mostrando resultados de 385368
  • Correct. Bones | Recurso educativo 585304

    Correct. Bones

    EduBook Organización

    • 2067 visitas

    Correct the underlined words in this text. Write the correct words in the space: Bones are the softest parts of the body. They are made of cartilage tissue which contains lots of blood vessels . Bones…

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  • Complete. The vertebrae | Recurso educativo 585310

    Complete. The vertebrae

    EduBook Organización

    • 2071 visitas

    Complete this text with the correct words: The vertebrae are 33 bones that form a column down the centre of our back, called the column. There are 7 bones at the top of the spinal column that form our .…

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  • End-of-unit evaluation - Light and sound | Recurso educativo 585556

    End-of-unit evaluation - Light and sound

    EduBook Organización

    • 2073 visitas

    We perceive most of the things around us because we can see or hear them. Most objects do not have their own light. We see them because they are illuminated by light from natural and artificial sources,…

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  • Science and technology in today's world | Recurso educativo 585593

    Science and technology in today's world

    EduBook Organización

    • 2065 visitas

    Important advances During the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, people made great advances in many areas of science and technology. These advances have improved the quality of life for…

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  • Answer. Science and technology in today's world | Recurso educativo 585597

    Answer. Science and technology in today's world

    EduBook Organización

    • 2072 visitas

    Name some important advances in physics, chemistry and medicine in the 20th century. Name one advance in communication technology. Why is it important?

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  • O sector terciario: transportes | Recurso educativo 585853

    O sector terciario: transportes

    EduBook Organización

    • 2067 visitas

    O transporte terrestre A situación de Galicia, nun extremo da Península, e o seu accidentado relevo dificultan as comunicacións terrestres co resto de España e con Europa. Actualmente, a rede de…

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  • Verdadeiro/falso. Relixión romana e cristianismo (I) | Recurso educativo 586106

    Verdadeiro/falso. Relixión romana e cristianismo (I)

    EduBook Organización

    • 2070 visitas

    Sinala se son verdadeiras ou falsas as seguintes afirmacións sobre a relixión dos romanos: Os romanos eran monoteístas, crían na existencia de moitos deuses. Os deuses máis venerados eran Mercurio,…

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  • Responde. Plantas e alimentos | Recurso educativo 586525

    Responde. Plantas e alimentos

    EduBook Organización

    • 2069 visitas

    Escribe o nome dalgúns alimentos que se poidan incluír en cada un dos seguintes grupos: froitos; sementes; raíces ou tubérculos; follas; outras partes da planta (talo, flores...); alimentos…

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  • Ordena. O aparello reprodutor masculino | Recurso educativo 586591

    Ordena. O aparello reprodutor masculino

    EduBook Organización

    • 2069 visitas

    Ordena os órganos polos que pasa un espermatozoide dende que se fabrica ata que se une cun óvulo: uretra vaxina testículos útero trompas de Falopio

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  • Factors que influeixen en la vegetació | Recurso educativo 587216

    Factors que influeixen en la vegetació

    EduBook Organización

    • 2071 visitas

    La vegetació d'un lloc depén, principalment, dels factors climàtics (latitud, posició geogràfica, relleu...). A més, en les zones de muntanya, el tipus de vegetació que hi creix depén de…

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