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Mostrando resultados de 186
  • Past simple passsive

    EduBook Organización

    • 831 visitas

    ‘Romeo was banished to Mantua.’ Look at these 2 sentences. The Prince banished Romeo to Mantua. (Past Simple Active) Romeo was banished to Mantua by the Prince. (Past Simple Passive) Rewrite these…

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  • Newspapers in 19th-century England

    EduBook Organización

    • 709 visitas

    In this chapter we read that there was a carriage in the parade for the editor of the Blue Party’s newspaper, The Gazette. The Buff Party also had a newspaper called The Independent. Read the text…

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  • JUEGO SIMBÓLICO EN NUESTRA TABLET | Recurso educativo 89159


    Proyecto Guappis Organización

    • 7 lo usan
    • 3111 visitas

    Completando las entradas de toca tea party y toca store, hoy veremos más aplicaciones de esta estupenda colección. El juego simbólico es un aspecto fundamental a desarrollar en la etapa de Educación…

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  • You decide / It was just a joke...

    Xtec Organización

    • 2702 visitas

    ...but suddenly I had pressed 'Enter'! You don't pass out signed photos of your girlfriend to men you don't know, saying 'pretty fit, don't you think?' If you film everything…

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  • Writing (PET)

    EduBook Organización

    • 2464 visitas

    Answer both questions. Write a card to send to Maria. In your card, you should invite her to see the film of Treasure Island with you. arrange a time and place to meet before the film. describe the film…

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  • Un forat a la butxaca. Videojocs i consoles

    Xtec Organización

    • 2965 visitas

    Els videojocs poden arribar a causar addicció. 'Un forat a la butxaca' ofereix alternatives per no enganxar-s'hi. Dins el món de l'entreteniment, els videojocs triomfen per sobre del…

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